10 albums that you may have heard, but I’m recommending them anyway: Part I

Hello readership.

Today, I’m going to give you a few music suggestions, Buzzfeed style. You’ve probably heard these. That’s fine. I like them so much that I’m going to tell you anyway.

Here we go.

Aim and Ignite – Fun.fun.

The first full length album from Nate Ruess, Jack Antonoff, and Andrew Dost. You probably know them from We Are Young or Some Nights, but hear me out.

This album is better.

It’s a bright and dramatic pop album, ringing with horns and guitars. Ruess’s voice recalls nostalgia for an event you didn’t experience. It’s happy, romantic, recoiling against past projects. And in our opinion?

This is one of the best pop albums of all time.

Recommended tracks: At Least I’m Not As Sad, Be Calm, The Gambler

Blkswn – Smino 


It’s another debut album, but a little more recent. If you haven’t heard about Smino, you haven’t heard the future.

Smino’s soulful mix of hip hop and RnB provides the perfect soundtrack to your Saturday night evening or your chill Sunday morning.

He has perhaps the most versatile voice of any rapper of the past 5 years, and it shows when we bounce back and forth between dreams and parties.

Get in on Smino while he’s still unknown, and thank me in a few years.

Recommended tracks: Anita, Wild Irish Roses, B Role, Amphetamine

WWW. – Towkio


Towkio literally went to the atmosphere to promote this album. No joke.

Released earlier this year, Towkio provides his listener with a steady mix of bravado and introspection. He brings to mind the exploration of regions unknown.

Towkio’s voice resonates with charisma, his flow bordering on the most–and forgive me for using this word–swaggerific I have ever heard.

I would let Towkio pick me up in the club.

And that’s saying something, because I hate the club.

Recommended tracks: Symphony, Loose, Morning View, Disco

Unusual – Marian Hill

marian hillHere we move to a genre I cannot quite describe other than well…unusual? Sexy?

I’m not sure.

This is the second LP from Marian Hill, the pair making electro-pop music with jazz, RnB, and hip hop influences.

Samantha’s vocals are sensual over the bass-heavy, eerie production and vocal chopping from Jeremy.

It’ll make you wanna dance, whether that be by yourself in the dark, or with someone else that you’re not-quite-sure-whether-you-have-feelings-for.

The lyrics largely target past, failed lovers, and new ones that show a bit more promise.

If you don’t bop to this album, I don’t want to be your friend.

Recommended tracks: Differently, Don’t Do It, Listening, Go Quietly

Telefone – Noname

nonameHow can an album be so simultaneously bubbly and immensely saddening? Whatever the secret is, Noname hasn’t told anyone else. 

The mixtape (yes, I said albums before–fight me) reminds me of a cool morning on the porch. Maybe its before church. Maybe you don’t go to church. Maybe you smoke, thinking about what the future might hold. 

Her voice is gentle. Her flow is often deliberately off beat–the production conforms to her. Don’t get me started on lyrical content. You think all hip hop is trash?

First of all, you’re wrong. Need proof?

Listen to this album. It’s poetry. No exaggeration.

Recommended tracks: Sunny Duet, Diddy Bop, Forever, Shadow Man


Check back soon for the rest of your recommendations.

I promise the second half is just as good as the first. 

First person to listen to listen to all five albums and write me their reviews gets a coffee on me.